Five Nights at Chica's Party World
1 year ago

Now Releasing the soundtrack for the game on my channel!

FNACPW Soundtrack Chica's Party Music Melody
The minigame music in FNACPW, ITs a remix of Sonic CD quartz quadrant present and good future but in a 16 bit soundfont. Sonic CD is amazing. Its soundtrack ...



Next up

So expect to see some of my halo maps be ported to future Fredbear's games as maps. Of course they will be edited to fit the setting. but Reusing resources goes a long way to save development time.

I can confirm The nightbonnie and night bear are returning to Fredbear's 3 They will be some of the hardest animatronics, As they are dismantled.

Chicas party World VHS Test

The official springbonnie model was datamined from help wanteds old build. So happy we finally after 9 years get an official springbonnie model

Megalodon Update Got its model with animations now, Been working on implementing into 3 of my projects so far. Fredbear's 3, Halo 3 and Saurains Evolved 3. Expect to see its challenge night be finished soon!

SOS NEED HELP its impossible for me to upload the game due to it being 9 GBs big. How do I fix this?

Halo 3 Desolate December Intro Cutscene This will make alot more sense once I actually implement this into the game with bink video and it cuts to the mission and your in a falcon.

Nobody has found this ending yet for Five Nights at chicas lol.

Here is some of stuff I have been working on for my halo mod. Considering uploading the mods files to gamejolt, cause nexus is kind of shit with their policies of owning every mod

CN pretty much done now, Whats next now.