ViViD Relapse
5 years ago

A written update on the State of the project (June 2019).


Hey all, Dustin here with another update on where we’re at currently with ViViD Relapse. Now, don’t let the title of this post alarm you too much - I’m not here with any awful news, for the most part. Let me go ahead and get the worst of it out of the way:

We won’t be able to make our Spring 2019 deadline for ViViD Relapse Phase II.

To put it simply - we’ve been tied up with other obligations these past few months, and most of our attempts to make more time for ViViD simply didn’t come together. I’d like to apologize for this personally; I know this is probably incredibly disappointing for some of you to hear, and I’m just as unhappy to break this news as you are to hear it. Since our most recent update, we’ve released The WretchWorks Arcade Pack (which was necessary in anticipation of something else I hope to talk about in the coming weeks), worked on various contract jobs and commissions, and have all had to tend to our own (separate) cross-country moves. Work on ViViD has continued through all of this, but not to the extent we would have liked, and not anywhere near enough for us to make that original date. If it were entirely up to us, ViViD would have been the priority over these other obligations, but unfortunately, we didn’t have the luxury to choose at the time.

So, where does that leave us now, as we near the summer months? We still have more contract and commission work to fulfill (still need to make ends meet) but the bulk of that work for the near future is out of the way. We’re all still in the process of moving to new homes, but time is freeing up. I’m not going to make any promises for now - no hard dates - but I’m going to do my best personally to make next month count for a lot, with ViViD especially. We released a compilation of clips showing off the visual overhaul on our YouTube channel (also attached to this article). Putting the final touches on this update will be our first priority once we get back into the full swing of things. We’re not ‘out of the woods’ quite yet, but we’re getting there.

Now, what about that ViViD Soundtrack Release? About a month ago, we were actually fully prepared to release the first Volume (had a post written up and everything), but ran into a licensing issue that (like with everything else) we simply haven’t found the time to resolve just yet. To make a long story short; the music in ViViD Relapse comes from a variety of sources, most of which we have redistribution rights for, but not entirely. Their use in the game is just fine, but outside of the game itself is where things get more complicated. With the key word there being ‘most’, we have considered releasing a revised Volume 1 with the contentious tracks excluded, and would love to hear how you feel on that matter.

That’s all I have for now though. As always, if you’d like to keep up with us more frequently, you can follow us on twitter or join our public Discord server. I hope to be back soon with good news for you all, and appreciate your understanding in our delay.

Thanks, and until then, stay gold everyone.




Next up

We've got a brand new Discord Server, and have been making steady progress on the game's new look! Read more to get all the crunchy details.

Did you know that today is #InternationalJazzDay? 🎷😎

No? 😯 Well, we couldn't pass up this date!

And what better to celebrate this day than #Pecaminosa #OST? 🎷

Let us know what you think about it and have a great weekend!

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My instagram

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