So, while playing through this game, I honestly had a blast, I was playing on version 1.0.0 however, so I managed to encounter a handful of bugs while playing the game, but they were patched when I was uploading this video, so that's good at least. I do honestly believe that this game is much more better and unique than the first game.
While the first game had it's own unique fair of mechanics, that was it, it's gameplay didn't really feel that engaging to play, leading me to feeling a bit bored at times, and you have to focus to do well in game anyway, so there's the problem with being bored, but this sequel managed to have unique ideas and mechanics that also are very challenging and thrilling to play through, I was never bored playing this game.
While yes this game is a bit difficult than an average FNAF fangame, each death that happened all felt like they were my fault, there wasn't any luck based deaths that happened due to RnG on my playthrough, everything felt fair when playing through, and also the jumpscares are a big improvement, more phrames to their animation, they can be very surprising when you first witness them, and it does a better job at it than it's first game, and also the phone guy is slightly better in this game, the first game's phone guy was some moronic slacker, but this one's at least got some emotion, even though his end feels very abrupt later on in the game.
The models when they were shown off at the very early stages, I won't lie, didn't look the best, but Manuel managed to make the designs much better in the past months to make them look spottless (even if they're broken). I have beaten the game up to the end, the only things left I would have to do would be custom night and getting it's other ending (which this game has 2 endings btw) and I might do those in later videos, who knows? But overall, Maggie's 2 is a much more enjoyable and fun experience than the first game, while both games still are good from the creep factor, the sequel has better gameplay.