Neon Tail
5 years ago

Screenshot Saturday 2019 0406


This week’s #screenshotsaturday on my project ”Neon Tail” I’ve only worked on the shop system, but that was actually quite a trip around.

  • In order to have a shopping system I needed first to create a UI menu, so that’s what i did.

  • In my UI menu I needed first the datas about each items, so I created the Items database, containing all items descriptions, names, types (such as cosmetics, consumable, food, or gift) and prewrote a little about each type’s usage and spent some time working on how/who could access this.

  • With the item database done and back to my shop menu, I understood that I had to implement an inventory system, which holds a specific amount of items based on your bag size. Of course the item type would determine whether the item was unique consumable equippable accessible by this or that etc…

  • meh, gotta do the items meshes. I tweaked some already done to fit our girl.

  • In order to equip the cosmetic type of item, I needed to specify which part of the body it will go to and also specify which hair part I should hide or display based on the head gear. So I wrote all that, it’s actually a lot of codes and thoughts game design wise.

  • Upon equipping, to make it presentable I created tiny animations, one for body clothes, one for head items. it’s quickly done but i’ll adjust later, i just want to see my menu work.

  • When testing the cutscene, the item didn’t appear. Ah.

  • My cutscene system wasn’t designed to follow the equipment of our character, so I had to update that. Not going into the details of this one but it got me fall asleep of tiredness a couple of times.

Aaand that’s one week gone. Well that’s a reasonable amount of work for one feature that isn’t much to watch. But hey, it’s done and functional. I’ll polish everything later.
Also i want to model a young bored emo/goth lady vendor that sigh and hate her job.

Have a nice week end, see you next week! ;)



Next up

This week's #streamingthursday - new Tricks, Combos, and Super Powers system!

Come and hang out in today's #streamingthursday to find out!

ProgressPreview86 - Combos And Tricks

ProgressPreview 85 Battle Mission

The game is finally finished after so many years of struggles! Neon Tail has been my craziest personal project so far.

The game will be released on February 17th 2024 on Steam. Wish you guys an excellent end of the year, see you on the release day!

Heeeey it's streaming time!

Neon Tail official release!

Hey, come and hang out! It's #streamingthursday !