5 years ago

I added a replay feature to Wequer, for viewing games you've played. Originally made for reflection and improvement. Now I'm realizing it's also just super awesome to watch everything play out like it's in real time. Mesmerizing!




Next up


A game of Wequer: 26 turns in 26 gifs

Did a lot of work cleaning up and commenting old uncommented code today and yesterday. Should make things that much easier in the future! Also enjoy this screenshot of the end of a game (I lost to myself)

I gave the game a screenshot tool so I don't have to update poorly cropped print-screen screenshots anymore. Also features some of the new interface work for the worm.

It's the beginning of a new month which means it's time to push myself to finish this game! Don't expect a complete release any time soon, but do expect me to post about it more often!

Blessed volume sliders

Everything I've done in the past week

I'm currently making a Tetris + Mahjong hybrid game called #Nojong. Match colored blocks in the field to make clears. After a number of clears, the blocks left in your hand are scored, so you want to try and keep triples and quadruples in your hand.

Coming Soon! #Nojong

Wequer [FREE] - Available now on Steam.