Five Shifts in The Dark
3 days ago

!!HUGE UPDATE!! (Read Article)

This Update is regarding Five Shifts in the dark just so you know, and also a couple of other things..


So sadly, I'm going to have to restart the ENTIRE project and everything that was in it, this was because on the software that I was making it in, refreshed the project's page without me knowing and since i'm making another project that's in the works. I never noticed it. So by the time I could restore the files to the game and pick back up on it. It was allready to late, this is kind of iterating to me also, since i'm actually putting effort into the game, and I just lost all of it in one scoop. This means EVERYTHING regarding the characters models, to any sneak peaks to even gameplay may change. So sorry for the inconvenience, this is also the reason Rosey's is on pause currently, because of the same things I listed before, except I actually have an old version of the game's files installed on my laptop, but I also lost a ton of progress on it, Just wanted to inform anyone because this game and the others WILL take some time. I might even take a break on game development entirely for a little while because it is making more irritated the more I work on stuff if I'm in a certain mood on that day. For some reason, just wanted to inform everyone



Next up

Is he the father?

@gamejolt , please take this horrific add down from the platform..

Model showcase:


#fnaf #fangame

Still a WIP

I guess you forgot about me... 🎪🍦

Welp, we all know what that means

I've yet to give you guys an update since this game launched, so here is a sneak peak


Sorry, out of order...