Hey there! I'm Artyrian, and I'm a self-taught programmer, sprite artist and composer, working on my own personal projects for nearly 4 years now! If you're in the #Terraria community and keep up-to-date with 1.4.5's progress, you might possibly know me for that one painting I did (shown there as Timburr). :P
I'm a big fan of hectic run & gun platformers - things like Mega Man, Cuphead, Gunstar Heroes - and after a few failed attempts at trying to make a game I could be proud of, I decided that I wanted to go ahead and make my own take on a run & gun platformer! After starting back in June of 2023 and relatively smooth sailing since then, that game has evolved into Hypertrig!
**Go check out the dev log HERE!**

This is my first time trying things out on GameJolt - I thought I might be able to find people who are interested in the game here, especially with the lack of proper run & gun games in recent years. I'd love to show more if there's interest!