Yeah I'm a little bit late. BUT that doesn't matter. Today is MMT Day!
Context for those who are new to the page. This is the Second game in the Sanity Timeline Canon to be made. More context for this, about a week ago I made a post asking if I should restart on the games progress to make the game more interesting and good looking to relate to Time Shift.
Well the results are in, and, well, I'm pretty sure there was no contest here, the games progress will be reset. But, this allows me to make the game more fun for people to enjoy, yet still be challenging.
Mcroy Manor Takeover (The first mode not the gamepage, I'll cover that later)
This is the one I've made the most progress on. Literally. So, it'll be sad to see all the Progress go. BUT this allows me to start work on a much better gameplay style that I feel works better in this case. Speaking of Gameplay, what do I plan on doing.
Well this is before FNaW 2 but after FNaW 1, so we're going to do a FNaW 4 style of gameplay. I like the FNaW 4 gameplay and it was actually planned to be Shattered Nightmares Second Mode gameplay. And now we never mention it again.
And now. It's time to bring in the First Character design for the game. Wario!
I behold to you. Peak.
This actually looks really good. Even for my standards. Like, compare this to Forgotten or SN. 10 times better.
Sanity Mode:
This will mainly stay fairly similar to how it is now. Possibly Cameras may be introduced, I may make the layout of the Factory More unique, but besides this. Sanity Mode will be pretty similar.
Anyway, here is Sanity Mario.
Another one of my proudest Renders.
3rd Mode:
ha i got nothing here no matter what lol.
The Gamepage will stay as it is until I've completed Time Shift, when it is done, I'll be working on MMT obviously and the gamepage will be looking much better.
The Soundtrack will also be replaced when Time Shift is done.
I don't really have much else to say, go and watch that Time Shift Trailer I guess, but for now. Chao!