Rock Beyond Time

2 years ago

I felt some mechanics were underutilized, so I'm making an expansion.

...more or less just a side quest and extra dungeon. No more than that here.

Coming who-knows-when.



Next up

A strange image came to me in a dream.

It looked something like this.

A rather interesting thing I forgot about...

Day 125.

If you know what you're doing, you can do a cinematic in GB Studio, animate a palette-swapping BG element while the text box is up, AND make it skippable to the title screen.

Day 124.

Prologue stuff.

I sketch in full color, then make it black-and-white, then color it in again in GB Studio.

As you can see, Irene, Stella's little sister, gave her a star, and Irene gets kidnapped by a fuzzy guy.

I had these graphics lying about.

...No, I won't explain them. I'd think they speak for themselves.

I realize some players just want to play the game and see the story, while others may actually want to use those revival items, so here's a little compromise for you all.

Also, yes, I NEED to put on that "Pro" flag everywhere.

Just a reminder. It's coming on the 16th, assuming nothing goes wrong.

Day 121.

I keep making up different names for this land. It's either the Kingdom of Chromas, or the World of Color. Either way, it's NOT Rainbow Land.

Feeling a little rusty today. I should be able to mirror and rotate this puppet, but I don't remember the best way about it.

I'll figure it out, I hope.

Part of the expansion involves a cute little fight right here. space for no apparent reason.

...too bad it won't be as epic as the final boss, but still...