Rock Beyond Time

3 years ago

I realize some players just want to play the game and see the story, while others may actually want to use those revival items, so here's a little compromise for you all.

Also, yes, I NEED to put on that "Pro" flag everywhere.



Next up

The best way to let everyone play with whatever controller they want is to let players test it out, reconfigure it, and let them test it again.'s a bit messy, since this is a game that should support two players.

Does anyone want sprite fonts? Here's a starter pack.

Good luck assembling it, and modify it any way you want.

Something in the plan for this game will change. With any luck, it will be a change for the better.

I got the keyboard and gamepad input-changing in here.

Try to keep track of the difference between using strings (for the labels on each key) and using actual variables (how the game interprets inputs).

When you don't know about copyright laws when it comes to fonts, you either take a chance, or make your own.

Of course, in the world of sprite art, that doesn't leave many options.

He's coming back. ...but just this once.

Just a reminder. It's coming on the 16th, assuming nothing goes wrong.

Coming soon to another update.

Lemme get some work done with it first, then we'll talk.

As a writer, you learn to just make stuff up. As a science-fiction writer, you justify the stuff you just make up.

"Derma" is related to "skin", and "myo" is related to "myoelectric prosthesis".

Part of the expansion involves a cute little fight right here. space for no apparent reason.

...too bad it won't be as epic as the final boss, but still...