Maybe the art block was because I was drawing the same thing over and over again
Idk :P
I finished watching ok ko and wanted to do little drawings of them sense now I don't have a show to watch
Maybe the art block was because I was drawing the same thing over and over again
Idk :P
My backpack is now complete
I always love taking pictures at night while at universal
This is from my trip a couple months ago
School drawing, Jinx!!
New sketchbook, new cover
Random sketch (I plan on finishing it one day… maybe… or maybe it will stay on the WIP pile for month…)
New skibidi drawing on its wayy
Literally me
Painted this quick lil' Kirby back in 2015 for a daily challenge. I always thought it was adorable when Kirby would copy the sleep ability in Kirby's Adventure, one of my favourite games on the NES! :)