1 month ago

I got bored again, so I tried to recreate Fantasy George's head xd



Next up

We have officially finished the remix of the Jolly 2 main menu song

[I have no idea where to put this remix, I don't know if it's fanart, video or general]

Now we will move on to rendering

To pass the sorrows, here is an exclusive demo of the song at the end of FNAFFD 1, quite possibly this alternate version will appear in 2.0

Happy Video Game Day! 🎮

Celebrate by completing our quests!

(They'll be in your quest log until September 19th.)

Today is the opposite day? or maybe not!

What will Piglet do in TSoT? @Andsy I demand an explanation under the laws of quantum physics

Jr's FNaF Mangle fanart [2/6]

Dear community, don't panic! XDD

In about 10 minutes the mix we have made to celebrate the 7 years anniversary of the team will be released!

[The link is in the article]

.-.. . - ... / . .- -

Testing material alternatives of Jolly's model for TSOT : Omega Redux