My question is I'm thinking about changing from a Storyshift take into an Original AU inspired by Storyshift replacing different roles again but keeping a lot of the roles the same.
Here's my thoughts on the role changes:
The Empty One Role: Napstablook Still
The Caretaker Role: Papyrus Still
(he’s no longer a Prince but an Ex Prince)
The Judge Role: Chara Still
The Ambitious Role: Asriel Still
(but he won’t be a boss anymore instead Sans is encountered in his place)
The Captain Of The Royal Guard Role: Undyne
The Recluse Role: Alphys Still and also Glyde
(why I say both is because Glyde takes the boss Role while Alphys takes the Main Role)
The Royal Scientist Role: Toriel
The Celebrity Role: Mad Dummy/Mew Mew
The Monarch Role: Asgore
The Soulless Angel Role: Napstablook Still
The Fallen Role: Metta Still
New Role That’s Currently A Secret: Sans
Why I want to change if you guys aren't sold on the idea is.
Number 1 there are a WHOLE BUNCH of people making takes on Storyshift right now and compared to them I want the story to be completely different instead of changing the story and keeping similarities to the original.
Number 2 it will work well with the story I'm trying to tell.
Number 3 I don't like some of the roles from original Storyshift.