1 year ago

I have a studio for unique platformers I made awhile back,

check it out if you'd like https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/28284716



Next up

Happy two year anniversary for my first ever major game!

Really looking forward to coming back to this series!

how precious

It feels so strange actually working on this thing

Scratchers who basically stole vectors, recolouring and has unoriginal content by remixing whenever they see an vector that was worked on that has good art style and there’s an actual well made animation project:

Wip 2

removed the birthday hats bc i'm sick and tired of drawing them with those everytime

Onix (left) Knox (right) Mio/Tails (middle)

Nothing's better than the feeling of Scratch saying there's a bad word in your description, even after editing them all out and don't even bother to tell you what the problem is
