4 months ago

i have never drawn a goblin character before,

i have named him grandpappy gielgemesh he is very cool he is 63 years old and he has 25 grand children.

i had a lot of fun doing this one lol.



Next up

a weird animation i made a while ago, i don't really animate anymore, i might upload other old ones i did, this was one of the best ones, so i will post this separate

Its been quite a while since i last posted, i kinda lost motivation for a while, ill try to post more often but i cant promise anything lol. I just kinda threw this together idk lol. my computer is broken and i am poor so there wont be any digital art :(

most of my old animations (of varying quality lmao)

Julio! Yep! It's Julio the pigeon! Hey, don't be like that, say hello to Julio, he's still shy around here!

Low poly model of a pigeon, isn't it cute?

Octopus thing, idk lol I've never drawn an octopus before


my new pfp (and the old one for reference) i don't know how long i will keep this one don't be surprised if i change it again in a few days lmao, I've always made digital art as my pfp but seeing as i have been posting more on paper i think its fitting :3

not as cute as my last drawing but its a lot more detailed, its not really supposed to be anything lol

ERMMM I DOODLED A MINECRAFT BEE QUEEEN,,,, Im debating if I should make her an actual oc or not. ALSO DANG NEARLY 800 FOLLOWERS TYSM... All my supporters are the swaggest people I know frfr. 🤯

Fanart of @PoopsytheDuck by me