6 months ago

i have not fucking posted.

in 4 weeks.

have some surprisingly mediocre drawings ive made recently



Next up

im aware it's not friday anymore but i can still do this quest, so...


(repost due to not knowing i had to accept the quest vdjvehovihs)

drew my new tablet's homescreen :D

merry christmas everyone!

#Christmas #merrychristmas #christmas2023 #sonicOCs

new desk!! :DDD

Julio! Yep! It's Julio the pigeon! Hey, don't be like that, say hello to Julio, he's still shy around here!

Low poly model of a pigeon, isn't it cute?

and...lock screen!

took me 2 days... :')

see the article for the characters

(paige is way too fucking small iwannadie)


STNDA1 to A4A6 complete for the sprites amdhifbsib

A5 is in progress im just really procrastinating about this because i suck at it aaaaaaaa

Lord Vader decides to delete his Minecraft world

Made in Blender.

#StarWarsArt #FanArtFriday #ArtWeeklies #Minecraft #Blender #Animation #3D #3DArt #DeathStar #Space