9 months ago

i... i just...

I'm sorry for everything...

I'm sorry to everyone i hurted... or disappointed...

I'm honestly trying my best...

i don't know why... why things are happening to me... why i want to die so much...

why i am never good enough...

I'm not even good enough as a friend to someone...

they've probably given up on me... I'm just not worth it...

I'm sorry I'm venting like this all of a sudden... i just....

i really want this to end......

i want.... things.... back.... back to how ghey were.....

I'm sorry......



Next up

babe! there are roaches in the ki-

I'm 17!!

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original image

: Aseprite

not a full one...

Whispy Woods

new banner <3

Fnf doodles I made on Snapchat cause I got bored and downloaded it on my iPad

Class 6