7 days ago

i just realized this…



Next up

im scared

( i changd sexy to cool asf because im not comfortable with sexy :)

joined this!

( found it from @Cosmic_Nova )

new pride flags! intersex and gay! the gay one took me so long to figure out..

Dorian Pavus is a powerful mage who appears in Dragon Age: Inquisition. The character was initially conceived as a "rock star mage" and in 2014, GLAAD named Dorian as one of "2014's Most Intriguing LGBT Characters."

#Pridejolt VIVIAN OFC!

or madeline… 🤷

New pfp

i drew my own goober!

CoME LiVE wItH Me RiLey EGHK 💀🔥🔥

this scene is so funny omg

Be Yourself and Have Fun <3 Im late with the pride artwork bc i found a new job, im sowwy :<

woah that was crazzyyy