14 days ago

I know I'm late BUT pride art PEOPLE! transgender + pansexual WOOO also my cat oc :3



Next up

OH SHIT NAH lemme just stay away from vents for now cuz ummm they like to live in there guess I'm not sleeping in my room often now

For the last day of pride month cuz I'm pan (lock screen and wallpaper.)

This is glitch! Their a hacker buttt their very kind they are the type of person who loooves headpats btw they are nonhinary :3

GUH!!!! rambley raccoon gets hit with the TRANS RAY!!!!!!! happy pride month guys

best duo.

Oh hey look it's @GemOnGJ ! :3 My first submission to Art Fight!

Digital art I made a couple months ago

So I made a new oc I was bored and drew this took me 3h 14m fully but yeah.

1: without lighting, shading, and shadow.

2: with lighting, shading, and shadow.

Give me name suggestions and I'll put them into a poll :D

Silly scarecrow dude + updatessss


my roblox oc :3