Five Nights at Wario's: Relived Damnation
1 year ago

I'll say this now. The game is close to completion. AND NO. I am not going to say ANYTHING about a release date. Last time I did it went poorly.

However, there are still a few things that I need to do.


Wow. I think this may be a first. Two of my own games being fully completed and released. What a thought huh? However, I can't release the game yet. I won't release the game yet, because it is not fully done. For starters, there is the custom night menu and the rest of the Extras to finish. That's an obvious thing there. However there is more. Ladies and Gentlemen.

I am in need of your help

That's right, I'm hiring for a FNaW Project! Kinda.

Okay so here is the gist. I need a phone guy. There will be some requirements for it however, so lets get that out of the way.

  • 13+ years old.

  • Preferably a Male as the phone guy is the one and only James Peterson.

  • A good quality microphone. Or atleast a semi-decent one.

Okay, we're good. I had to atleast get the requirements out of the way before I explained the role. You would be playing as James Peterson. I'll be making a script that you can read from whilst you record your lines. If you wish to be the voice of the benevolent and humble James, you can give me a message on discord... Once I figure out how you do that.

Find me at discord (fruppet_games). When I log on (i rarely use it so if you wanna contact me on another place, here is my twitter -, I'll give you the script and we'll see who I end up using, cause there is probably gonna be multiple (or not. idk).

Anyway, that's all I have for now. So, Chao!



Next up


Yeah, wasn't expecting this was ya?

Not a lot of it has been done yet, mainly because I've been busy going crazy with FNaW Deluxe (I love it so much aaaaa).

I finished off those small details and such. I even actually bug tested the game. All the achievements are obtainable, all the nights are playable.

As said, Phone Calls aren't in, but I'll be leaving a little note thing in the game for yall.

It's time.

something something, squares.

I didn't post it in the communities like a fool. Thats just what taking a break does for a man.

#KirbvemberCopy Time!

Day 4 - Leaf

Day 5 - Bell

Day 6 - Archer

Day 7 - Snow Bowl

Day 8 - Parasol

Day 9 - Poison

Day 10 - Spark

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TAF 0!!! (art by @_Mallie_ )

Ladies, Gentlemen and Strange Pink orbs. Welcome to...

KIRBVEMBER! #KirbvemberCopy #KirbvemberFranchise

The first art pieces of Kirbvember are finally here! I've been wanting to show the Franchise image for so long, but held off till November came about! #KirbvemberFranchise Day 1: First Adventure #KirbvemberCopy Day 1: Sword

Chapter 2 Remastered

Five Nights at Wario's: Relived Damnation

Devlog #3: