5 months ago

i'm adding his eyebrows again, he will have eyebrows if it's april fools he would look so funny like imagine jolly at cam 3 just watching when suddenly (rock face)

(Yes i remodeled him completly, he was supposed to look like a clown



Next up

bro why my project thumbnail is new scratcher's pfp

i forgot about one, but for now let's see if i can i find ar on scratch\

wait i think i found him he's endergamer?

probably due to puppet theatre (some projects)

LOWERED the value of chance getting it to happen

should be more common

the john tepor is the guy who is on log 52*, he worked with some people to build the spirit but smth goes wrong and the spirit is missing anyways have a image of what is the decode message for:

buddy is it reall?

lol, i keep finding people, like it started from JayArcade then max and then emmet and then rest of them,

I swear i can't 🤣


-- T O T A L R E P L A C E M E N T'S

Easter egg