8 years ago

I'm gonna level with you all...

…This game is going to take a while. like…. a very long time. Idunno what it is about this one but it’s special to me and I want to make sure it’s as perfect as it possibly can be.
I started this back in 2009…. I think. Seriously. I had a million and a half ideas for it, an old version of Game maker (it was 5.0, since then it’s been updated to a whopping Game maker 8.0! and unless I can get a licensed copy of the latest Studio version, I think it’s gonna stay that way), High hopes and dreams and ambition that would make Napoleon think I was crazy. it has gone though many slight changes, bug fixes, story changes, gameplay tweeks, etc, etc….
but I have grown too. I was in my early 20s, the world was my oyster and I wasn’t gonna let anyone tell me I can’t do anything! I was gonna make Dream Cherry, it was gonna be a huge hit and I’d run my own company where I’d make future installments for the latest consoles as well as other and life was gonna be great! happily ever after!
…but life doesn’t work that way. EVER! I won’t get into specifics but there was oooooone defining factor for me that I didn’t even know about until recently. something that’s been a problem since childhood. let me just say…. life ain’t fair. sometimes it seems life wants to just hurt you for a laugh.
so what? am I all dark and emo now? naah… I learn to accept how life really is. in fact, it leads into the whole point of this devlog…. or I guess it’s more of a…rant? nah.. explanation? sure, something like that. my goal is to no longer “make it big” or whatever, but simply to make Dream Cherry the best game I possibly can! I plan on doing this by incorporating my own life’s experiences, thoughts, successes and failures into it. The story of the current version kinda….kiiiinda leads into a cliffhanger where the game starts to glitch a bit. as of now I’m still carefully planning exactly how I want things to go from there. not giving away too much (hopefully…) it’s going to most likely be CherryBoy becoming disillusioned by his previous ambitions to just…. fix everything. that’s all I’m saying for now.
too much to handle? hehehehehehe…. that’s why this is gonna take forever. to be honest I’d rather it be that way, this game has always been in a way the story of me! (no CherryBoy is NOT me dreaming… there’s a whole different continuity involved there) as MY Personal story evolves, so will Dream Cherry. this is a piece of me and if I rush it, it will not satisfy me. it will not feel complete. and to be honest again, though I’ve pretty much had the ending written from the beginning, there are details that need more expanding upon. YEAH! this cute little game about a talking cherry in dream land… world…. the place you go when you dream.
as for future game play additions? don’t worry, I’ve got plenty of ideas to make the gameplay even deeper without taking from the original action-platformer elements. some inspiration from some of my all time favorite classic games as well as some modern and indi games too! but not all just a copy-paste job here. in the end Dream Cherry WILL stand out on it’s own and it WILL be worth the wait! whether you even care about the story or not I will make sure it’s as satisfying to play and beat as it possibly can be!
HOLY CRAP when I get to typing I just don’t stop do I?

TL;DR version: it’s gonna be quite a while before you ever see this game complete but don’t worry because it’s going to be worth it! I’m a half decent Game Maker programmer, been messing around with it since high school and I know a thing or two about how games work.

to those who are reading this thank you for your support!! if you’ve been following this since forever then again, thank you!

I think the next playable update will have mostly new features, collectables, power-ups, enemies and obstacles, etc, etc… but no new levels. after I get the gameplay itself to my liking THEN the story will be finished! Imma stop typing now…. seriously. I’m stopping now. here I go! bye!



Next up

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