Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location 2D

1 year ago

I made a bathroom mini-game with Baby and something else, remains to be done only the secret room with Ennard and I will start custom night



Next up

v1.1.8 -Changelog-

-One Minirena 2 has been removed so that it would be possible to see Yenndo and Lolbit in Custom Night

-Fixed a bug when the Ballora was still in the Ballora Gallery when passing the Breaker Room

-Increased brightness in Under Desk

It remains to make only a Custom Night and it will be possible to release the game

-Update 1.2.0- Changelog

-And Again-Again Biggest Bug Fixed! Animatronics Do Not Go Behind Map At Low FPS

-Now your gamejolt avatar appears in the menu

-Small Changes

-The buttons are enlarged in 3 night in Part And Service and in 5 night


v1.1.6 -Changelog-

-Changed the mouse in the "Under Desk"

-Fixed a bug where it was impossible to get a trophy on the third night

-Now you can get into the secret room with Ennard as in the original

-Attack counter in Ballora Gallery has been increased

Rat Race Production Update

Very interesting

The gamejolt avatar is displayed again in the menu after logging in, hopefully forever


I'm Making a Remake of Another Mariposed Game:) P.S-Which Was Released But Because It Was Unplayable Was Removed