2 years ago

I made a fanart @Jacob-H , I noticed that I have a very similar "oc" to him, well, I'm a rectangle and he is a square. :)



Next up

Hey, I've been a while away, but look, the polikux is doing a new scratchtale, heh

the drawings were created by me approx

A little fan art of your characters for @ShadowGuy635

Bigas and your OC alternative..(evil)

[ And my OC but don't worry about it ;) ]

I drew Dave from Vol 4 of The Mandela Catalog


I finally drew Acht...

@ShadowGuy635 I made a drawing of him in the snow version. hope you like it

Hey a little bit I was gone yea .. but well I'm coming back AGAIN, even don't ask me why I wasn't so much, I will say briefly Laziness




Julio! Yep! It's Julio the pigeon! Hey, don't be like that, say hello to Julio, he's still shy around here!

Low poly model of a pigeon, isn't it cute?