3 years ago

I made my own wheel of D O O M. Take a screenshot of it and see what you get!



Next up

Finally did those ref sheets I said I'd make.

Also glad to finally have a new pinned post, the old one was horrible.

Anyway if you're new around here welcome to my page, where I make art, music, and a lot of dumb FNF mods.

Ok bye bye. :3

i cant even with this school

made a random new oc cuz i felt like it :3

her name is lucy lol

mfs when they play a super high effort mod with hundreds of hours put into it but it's difficult

learning how to do particles and shit because idk

piss tower

evil tom hes so evil ooooooooooo

character owned by @SuperWA-HOOMan

og but garrett's funny animal game garrett and dave's fun algebra class garrett sing it

do you accept his gift?