So, I never applied since I was always a little intimidated early on by people with the check mark. Obviously I’m over that by now, and it’s a little silly, but I still didn’t wanna seem like I was “above” so to speak.
Not that people who are verified do or anything, I just didn’t wanna seem less accessible to anyone. (Which btw I’m totally accessible please leave comments and questions I love responding to them ^.^)
I figured when I finished and sold GUIDANCE it might be good to get verified to prevent impersonation, but that’s about it.
Lately though I’ve been helping with an event that could turn out to be pretty big, and I’ve been making some good connections in the Fnaf community. I’ve also had quite a few followers for a long time now, and am pretty well liked I think. (I hope, lemme know lol ^.^)
I’ve also been making some things in really proud of and I’m really excited to share them! (That includes non-fnaf as well)
So I’ve been tossing around the idea of applying for verified or creator status a bit.
If I do it though, I want it to be endorsed by you guys! Even if I do apply no idea if I’ll get it of course.
So, let me know what you think. Vote in the poll, but maybe leave a comment too. It’d mean a lot ^.^