2 months ago

I ran out of ideas - ( Shitpost )




Next up

W.I.P ee

-QUIT SMOKING- ( ft : Sasha & Evelyn )

Sorry for leaving you guys in the dark, i've been cooking on this for Days by looking at it that way, i didn't plan on making a comic dub on it but Now i did and it fits so well.

Made myself some nice Logo designs for myself

Ignore the bottom one :)

The Elmore High School

Bunny HOP - Happy EasterFOOLS !!!!!!!

Im leaving gamejolt TODAY !!! ( Not really )

#Art #Artwork #OC #Originalcharacter #Digitalart #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish .


i ran out of ideas so i was having fun instead and it was worth it

Hey y'all i don't really know if im going to make it to the end to finish this for easter soo here is a W.I.P of what am i doing right now and Happy easter everybody :3


Evelyn just like skate boarding and drinks energy nowadays.