Bryant’s Revenge (A Very Hard Boss Fight Runner 2)

3 months ago

I really wish I can show you guys what I’ve done so far as a video, but my laptop keeps revolting against me so ig screenshots will do. Anyways… Operation Cleanup Progress so far!

Overall Progress has been going extremely well so far!

Here’s the list of things I’ve completed/done so far:

  • Gotten depth sorting working(MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENT)

  • Physics/Geometry Reworking

  • Reworked Footstooling/Stomping

  • Changed the Player Running code up

Here’s some stuff I’m currently working on:

  • Enemy Reworking

  • Dev Only Level editor upgrades and fixes

  • Shadows(The pink circle in the center is the shadow, but I’m currently just testing things out)

  • Level Loading/Saving

  • Improved Controls

Future Stuff:

  • Full World Map Revamp

  • More Bug fixes/slight changes

  • Implement Controller Suppourt

  • Level Textures

  • Optimized Level Rendering

  • Object Data Library

  • Full Level Object Revamp

But yeah! That’s what’s going on with the Cleanup phase so far!

Some stuff will have to be done out of this phase but ye

Probably like

If you guys have any questions, comments or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment,

If you wanna get more updates of the development of the game, make sure to follow! And join the community too!



Next up

Guess who made it before Beef Boss, and what I had for dinner back on the island lol

Gotta Go Fast

! Breaking News !

Benjiro has learned how to do a spindash

guys! what should i add here

i'm really struggling to add something else here

Someone wants to be petted

They're comin back

No eepy dergs were harmed in the makin of this


It's because of the normal speed of the player, but still

levels are gonna have to be long normally, but that's a good thing where the boosting comes in, so you can at least be able to make it to the end a lot faster than without it.

Evolution of Benjiro's Vector since I started working on it honestly I'm super content with his current look and I don't think I'm even gonna change it any further

At this point this will just be Benjiro's jump because I don't know what other jumping animation to put for him, I mean I jump like this irl anyway so it makes sense(cuz maro)