3 days ago

I swear, drawing at school hits different



Next up

Fanart of @ablizorm

Hope you enjoy :D

I always enjoy drawing scarecrows :3

Meet Spiral !

Also sorry for the lack of posting, been busy with school and such, hope you enjoy :D


Just a drawing of converses with some kind of shooting star behind (Just drew that because A- Converses are cool and I wanted to learn to draw them and B- I wanted to do an illustration with very bright colors)

Glitch’s New Design

Hope you enjoy :D

(Read Article)

Staying at my mom's place for the weekend, along with objectively the best girl Penny!

Drew Klaus playing with her for the occasion :3

If there’s one thing I think I have a knack for, I think it would be for making ominous villain music

Meet Sonar!

Random sketch (I plan on finishing it one day… maybe… or maybe it will stay on the WIP pile for month…)

Ah yes, music