these posts could hint at upcoming features / changes. Talk about the process of these things and how passionate your team is about achieving these goals for the community.
Just something to keep people Interested. Cuz I don't know about you guys but with these events and quests and stuff, things have felt mostly the same. Repetitive, uninteresting, and Generally just kind of.... corporate to me, no offense. Just a big lack of genuine communication.
This makes me want to talk about something else:
I also feel like though there's not that big of an incentive to do quests and events in the first place anymore! Because sure, stickers can be useful in some cases. as can the gold, but I've bought most of what gold can buy and stickers aren't really worth it to me.
I really miss that early concept of an account based XP System.
and I can't be the only one to feel this way.
Say for example, level rewards. maybe a background... a title you can display on your profile next to your name (like the pronouns, gamer, dev, e.t.c). I reckon that'd be something fun to collect!
If quests could benefit your Account XP, imagine how much nicer they'd feel to complete!