Ideas in Game Jolt

Wanna post about Game Jolt? This is the place!

add refresh button on app or make that like and view count change in real time

We need Gregtech avatar frame!

For( Gregius_Society!; Gregius_Society! ≠ frame; Gregius_Society! =+ frame)

  36 votes 13 days left

update the visibility of the dot by the notification icon more often

so the dot disappears consistently

I'd back this idea by @GemLP…

Whats even the point of being a creator on this site if all you're gonna do is post AI trash? It's not your work, it's not creative.

Additional idea; Make AI posts not eligible for Charged Stickers.

It's crazy how many times I've seen a Creator post AI "art" for some quick attention and charged stickers.

Please be harsher on Creator behaviour, when I see someone with status of "Creator" I expect them to Create and Inspire, not post lazy slop.