You see A.T.O.T means a trinity of terror, trinity means 3 and so Act 2 is just 3 different games that take place during the same week but at different times. The game of Act I have been working on is Contentment Ship a retake of FNATI OR. (Note the other games that would get retakes in Act 2 are NBD and OC.) I the main thing for a while is that Face could not kill you, but it seems the code had fixed itself somehow.
I think I went WAY over my head for these Games and while it would be cool, if I kept the 3 games in one act thing hidden and only tease the NBD retake, I have to come clean and say that this was kinda stupid, and yet i wrote most of the story already so I can't really change that. (They was also a 4th game that when opened ask for a code, and you get parts of the code after being the 7th night in one of the 3 games, and it would be Henry kicking Mick Mick's ass in FNATI Found Undertale ahh moment/bullet hell thing) So yeah A.T.O.T I say is on a bit of a hold right now. Sorry for the inconvenience. - Budie