2 years ago

I've got a problem... My godot can't search nodes by $ ;=; How to fix this? (Yesterday it was working)



Next up

New Update!

Alpha 0.0.2: Added first tables and game version info

Alpha 0.0.2-p1: Fixed tables

Alpha 0.0.2-p2: Fixed menu buttons (In release don't working)

Alpha 0.0.2-p3: Fixed background render

New Selne icon/avatar :D

Alpha start but not public.

When Game was get a basic mechanics and world will be added to alpha testers (must get key) First look to title screen (0.0.1)

[Resolution: 1280x1024]

I've reworked a bit the ultimate to add more anticipation. I think it looks much better 😎

What's missing in your opinion?

Hi and hello. From few days I'm in hospital. I'm not working about the game because I've got a hemical incydent and next few days I spent here. Have a nice day

Xono :)

The shield now breaks after receiving several hits.

#indiedev #gamedev #pixelart

Hi :D It's my first game ever and to start about making games I chose Godot. He and his docs are AWESOME! PS: Link about my first game Selne (survival): https://gamejolt.com/games/selne/730095

*Small* changes about Main Menu

I'm working about this Main Menu and I'm asking you about your opinion. It's better from the last update?

(Buttons will change style)

Made a per object step system which checks the name property of first material to play specific sound lib

Sad that there is still no way to check what material used on spacific part of mesh😔


Update Alpha 0.0.3: Added login to gamejolt account and basic advancements system :D I'm trying fix error about animations