2 years ago

I was just trying to finish some artwork I had phisically by a digitally way just paiting it and this is how it finished :D

Dis is a drawing I did at school, a friend of mine did the right eye and then I did the left eye and next I did the rest :D

I know the painting is prtty bad but it's bc I got rlly stressed while paiting her and I just did- whatever that is—

Don't pay attention to de png name cuz I still don't know what her name will be 😐👍

This drawing is also kinda based on this guy's drawings:


go check his drawings! :D they're rlly rlly rlly nice

Aaand that's all :]

Hope y'all like it and have a good day / night / afternoon / morning / midnight ^^!



Next up

I miss everything currently 🗣️

I miss drawing



Time be flying these days

Idk I just really like this guy

Some Kirby doodles made with markers!

haii everyone !! I forgot this web existed

It's been long

Blue 'n Beautiful Blue isn't just a sad color

And we're back up