2 months ago

I wrote a short story, which is a prequel to FNATI classic 1.0, check it out!

(read article)

"The Secrets of Treasure Island"

A prequel to FNATI 1.0

Written by FNATI_Explorer

Chapter 1: Who I Am

Hello everyone. My name is Daniel Mclaffen, when I was 18, I was looking for a job, and I found in the newspaper Disney was looking for a Costume Designer for their soon to be opened "Treasure Island" in Disney World. Since I needed a job, I signed up for the job. But then I soon learned I made a big mistake. Let me tell you why.

Chapter 2: First Day On The Job

I arrived at Treasure Island a few days after I got the job, I went in to Treasure Island, it looked nice. The manager gave me the materials and the tools I needed to make costumes, my first task a making a Pluto costume, so I got to work. I first started working on the head, it wasn't too bad, just sewing stuff together and using the tools I was given. And after a few minutes, the head was done. Then I started work on the body, but then randomly, my pencils fell of the desk. I didn't know how, but I just suspected maybe I hit the desk. Then after a few minutes the body was done. I was getting pretty tired, so I took a lunch break, I just ate a simple sandwich. So after my lunch break was done, I went back to my workplace, but then I noticed the Pluto costume was gone. I looked around, and found the costume somehow ended up in the Character Prep. I thought this was strange, but I thought maybe someone else was pulling a prank. But I also noticed in the Character Prep was a inverted Mickey costume, I wondered why its colors were so weird. But I tried not to dwell on it to much, since I had to get my work done. So I worked on Pluto's arms and legs, and I was done for today. So I went home, I started thinking about that inverted Mickey costume, but I just didn't wanna think about it, its probably nothing.

Chapter 3: Something Is Off

I arrived at Treasure Island for my 2ND day. I was tasked with working on Goofy. So I started working on the head, and was planning to do the same order I did with Pluto. Goofy was a little harder to work on, but wasn't too challenging. Then before I knew it the head was done. I decided to close the eyes because I didn't want that thing staring at me. So then I started working on the body, I decided to take a lunch break shortly after, because I really needed a break. Goofy was tough to make. So I decided to eat my sandwich again. After I ate my sandwich, I went back into my workshop, but I noticed something was off again. Goofy's eyes were open. Which was strange, I closed them. So I went to the other workers, and they said they weren't doing anything. They managed to convince me that they weren't doing it, so I went back to work. Then I did the usual, worked on the arms and legs. Then when I was done, I went home. I then thought about today, if the other workers weren't pranking me, who was?

Chapter 4: The Unexpected Day

I arrived at Treasure Island again for my 3RD day, but I needed to tell the manager about this some time. But this day was different, I had to go manage Pirate Caverns, so I went in there. The place was creepy, it gave me bad vibes. So I decided to follow my task. Then something crazy happened. While walking around the place, I heard some footsteps on the staircase. I decided to see what it was, but when I went there, no one was there. Then out of the blue, the inverted Mickey jumped at me and starting strangling me. I was trying to get his hands off my neck, I felt like I was going to die. And in the corner of my eye, I saw a legless Mickey with a distorted face, watching the whole thing happen. But luckily, I managed to get my hands off of my neck, and ran out of Pirate Caverns, and managed to alert the other workers. Then we saw the Mickey costume standing at Pirate Caverns, then he ran towards us. The whole park was alerted, and everyone was evacuated. I got in my car as quickly as possible and drove home. When I got home, I didn't know what to say, I feel like I was traumatized. What is gonna happen now?

Chapter 5: The Closing Day

When I turned on the TV, I saw Treasure Island had shut down. And all the workers who worked there have received their money from their paycheck in their mailbox. I figured this out when I looked in the mail and found a letter from Disney, they provided me a envelope with my money. I was so shocked, I was speechless. Why was that inverted Mickey costume alive? How did Disney not know about this? Well, at least Treasure Island was shut down, and I got my money.


Its been years since the incident at Treasure Island. So I decided to find out answers, so I founded the Supernatural Studies Association, and I hired a few people. Jake Smith, Lisa Bertsch, Greg Mac Lochlainn, and Henry Miller. And we decided to investigate Treasure Island, we need to get answers.



Next up

Something I made when I was bored.

I made vectors of Gen 2 PNM, Gen 2 Oswald, and Gen 2 The Face in TurboWarp, thoughts?


Made a video about FNATI 3.0, check it out!

(Also I use my voice in this video, so its kinda a voice reveal)

just checking in

Ok here is a real BTB 2 leak bye

Doraemon Animatronic

Back to basics 2, never happening. Cry about it. And if it does, its a shitpost

I made vectors of Gen 2 Disembodied, and Gen 2 Acephalous in TurboWarp, thoughts?

game jolt fnati new video :)

I made a Gen 2 Impure Mouse vector in TurboWarp, thoughts?