The Great Hakurei Barrier is thinning and Gensokyo is losing its magic. A disease spreads through the Human Village, economic disaster in Kappa Valley, an RMBK reactor explodes in Former Hell, and Nazism is taking hold on Youkai Mountain amongst the Tengu. This will be the darkest incident Reimu and Marisa will ever have to face, unlucky for them, there is no Gensokyo B.
Keeping in line with the King Gizzard inspiration for OQIN, this sequel will be based off of their thrash metal album "Infest the Rat's Nest" and as such the game will feature a darker, more edgier plot.
The game will also feature Touhou girls from the games that have since came out since OQIN's release in 2020. The game will also be made in RPG Maker MZ and NG Infinity (New Game+) will make a return. The crafting system from Fursona will be present but will be less involved.
Pre-production has begun but I will keep mum about active development because whenever I post a game too early on Gamejolt, they all tend to die mid-development (such as Anterograde Fantasy, Youmu's Bizarre Adventure, and Fantastish Densetsu).
Also who doesn't want to see Reimu and Marisa (And others) work as Chernobyl-style liqudators at the Nuclear Furnace in Former Hell. Graphite and Corium ensues...