[ Underswap ] The Kaboom
18 days ago

if everything goes well y'all will have an actual first episode of the kaboom series in some weeks

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gulp As we're getting an actual theme thanks to Hk, I'm remaking the intro to make it fit and replacing some stuff, filling placeholders, etc. Yeppers

urghghhghghgh sorry I havent been active bc

I dont even know tbh, anyways, still practicing sprites and whatsoever did this one, 1 year after V2 and V1 sprites

Proud of it ig, :bbbb

Chicken meow


Look at this single celled organism Isnt he tupid

An Enigmatic Encounter - Full spritesheet

Hi hello, just the sprites I did for that one vid I posted on yt some days ago, credit if use and blablabla…

Sandro did a little cameo on underevent btw

So here is it, the Enigmatic Encounter video, premiering on 2 days, yeppers

Hello hello again kaboomers. Today, just showing you the first test for the overworld, aswell, wanting to show the (maybe) replacement of portrait sprites (the ones that are just thehead)

Kinda based on some rpg games, and that's all, just a quick funfact

Tried this one again after

several months, meow || Sixbons

Dont leave us yet we're not doing the dusttrust cancellations references thing ( we're alive )

As much as I dont like a "core encounter" thing we're doing it anyways