Every time I go to this platform, It's a virtual war zone.
There's these “Drama, Harassing, Su1c1dal” posts all spreading in the platform, It's difficult to look at all those posts without feeling either guilty, or a mix of concern and headache.
I can't help but worry about the future due to everything that has been going on in Game Jolt.
I genuinely got to admit, I suck at helping Su1c1dal people, unfortunately, I hope no one blames me or gets angry at me forever due to this, It's due to my health issues etc that might seem personal.
Are you feeling suicidal? I recommend you to call suicide prevention services!
If you're not comfortable calling them, please talk to someone in your direct messages or group chat, if there's no one, post something close to “Can someone please talk to me? I'm feeling depressed, I need help”.
Remember, you're not alone.
I really wished people in this platform weren't this su1c1dal because this is a platform targetted for 12-18 year olds and most people are younger than 16 and might not understand people that are su1c1dal and either act rude OR ignore.
Thanks for reading
@charmzy- I hope you realize how important you are in this world, I know when things get difficult you get the urges to do something bad to yourself but please, stay firm.