Five Nights at Freddy's - Septalogy Fusion
11 months ago

In apology to @vlexyn

I'm sorry for taking your concept for game.

(Note: I didn't stole game I created my own ispired by his game)

Fusion of 3 classic fnaf game is very good idea I must admit but I forgot about you when I created this page.

Beginnings of this game was just: "Hey, what if I fuse all 7 fnaf games, but how will office look like?" I made this game for fun and I didn't plan to make this that big project.

For a second I didn't thought about you and your career but now I'm concious what I have done to you.

So I want to make for you @vlexyn a offer. I'll make you co - owner of this project you'll be able to give your ideas to our game of corse if you want.

So again I'm sorry man for this...

Chwila BMS jest zbokiem?

Ja jemu daję głównie naklejki naładowane z powodu tych świetnych gier jakie zrobił.



Next up

Does it look familiar?

For those who know respect also

Beta 1.0.1 is released!

Also I added music volume in settings & 2 new ambience tracks!

Asian mode (Gone Wrong)

Witness the beginning.

The Fazbear Facility: Prologue Official Trailer will premiere at the Vortex Charity Stream!

Here's unused "Reload" screen.

Well it was never used bc keybind were added.

This is also the first unused item ever I think.

Gameplay (DEMO) reveal trailer out now!

I forgor to show you this screenshot I took outside my house.

You know what reminds me.

You won't guess.

L.E.F.T.E is being programmed.

"The Synthesis"

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