3 years ago

in English / по английски:

final version of the Pyaterochka store is finished. Of course, it's not finished yet, but I still posted it.

in russia / по русски: окончательная версия магазина Пятерочка закончена. Конечно, она еще не доделана, но я все равно запостил её.



Next up

I am beak.

On English / На английском:

In this post, you can learn about new updates to our game Dalbas. Added a new Persian - P-Extinguisher. * (illegal vocabulary), and emoji for hare P - (illegal vocabulary )


It's Morgenstern's birthday today (У Моргенштера сегодня день рождения)

Saving the Lost Ones, a cage at a time 👻

Five night at Bunny Qor update:

Short video on the progress of our game♥


Read below about the new update for the game Dalbas:

New Big Update! (read below)

she red my dead till i redemption