Into Draconia

1 year ago

Into Draconia's newest patch has been released, fixing many a bug while also adding a new, small location to the game! Remember to transfer your save files to the new version!

Been awhile, eh? Don't worry, you noble lot, I haven't forgotten about Draconia in the slightest! While nothing major has been added, I've still decided to go back and add one little thing that was previously cut from the city of Endstad:
- The Wizard's Tower! That's right, the lonely tower left of the Governor's Palace in the Temple Precinct now actually has use, housing the game's biggest challenge - the long and grueling Boss Rush! Test your mettle against the Nine Lands' strongest foes!

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A lot of bugs have been fixed in previous versions - as such, this list is mostly a compilation of all those previous fixes. The second half of the list was almost wholly discovered by my good friend @maken188295 - you can check out his playthrough of Into Draconia here: . Now for the bugs themselves!

  • Removed the wind sounds from the Ice Tower and added a new song that plays while you're doing puzzles in it!

  • Added a ghost of Kent from the tutorial to King Gavinrad's room in Lower Draconia.

  • Fixed a bug in which The Great Crest of Power couldn't be obtained.

  • Added light to the Braziers in the Ruined Grotto.

  • The two cowards from the Ogre encounter now show up in Endstad after it.

  • Dunnred now also drops a Magic Ring upon death.

  • Added some lizard guys as appearances for Beastkins.

  • Changed Reverend Alice's AI so that now she doesn't constantly spam Power Word: Hold.

  • Upon Dunnred's death his troops disappear from Lower Draconia.

  • Ranged enemies such as Goblin Archers and Orc Bowmen now should take less time thinking in-battle. (Maken)

  • Removed a testing shortcut that was leftover in the initial area.

  • Fixed Highton's appearance in Lower Draconia where he tries to advance unto a tile with an invisible event and freezes the game because of that.

  • Fixed a collision issue in the intro version of the Seat of Gavinrad.

  • You no longer lose a turn when using the End Turn command when some of your actor's haven't made their move.

  • The Reverie Forest pylon on the World Map now actually takes you to Reverie instead of Endstad.

  • You can now back out of the sacrifice in the tutorial if you ain't ready to see Marty getting obliterated yet.

  • There was an unpickable mushroom in Endstad's night variation of the Temple Precinct - you can pick it now.

  • The Marsh Bear fight can no longer be repeated now.

  • The Mindflayer fight can no longer be repeated now.

  • The sleep state is no longer endless and ends in 3-4 turns now.

  • The Goblin Pyromancers, Orc Bowmen, Magicians and Blue Dragons should take less than 5 minutes to think now.

  • Removed redundant interactions from Lower Draconia and the night version of the Temple Precinct.

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The mind is the ruler of the body and the master of its god-like intelligence. It gives commands, but it is not subject to them. Of its own volition it prohibits and permits, snatches or accepts, goes or stops.



Next up

Iesua Nazarenus


Sengo Sanada

Nua Kouzui

A new update for Into Draconia has been released, bringing it to version 0.4.0! Two new locations have been added and a slew of bugs have been fixed - make sure to transfer your saves to the new version!

Into Draconia's Act 2 is out NOW, bringing the game to 10 HOURS OF PLAYTIME! Traverse vast areas, engage in fierce battles, challenge mighty foes! Memorandums, holy warriors, snowy gospels! DRACONIA!!!

Azure Swirl

Mitama Magahara

ㅤㅤ...In a time immemorial, an artifact of superb might was willed into existence - the Great Crest of Power. Its creators have long since vanished, the Crest now waiting for a new owner in the depths of castle Draconia. Will you be able to obtain it?