1 year ago

It’s that time of year again! If you know any lick of Flash you should make something for NG’s flash forward jam, deadline in March! More info (and link to abandonware copies of flash) below!



Next up

#Webkinz on a Steam Deck, why not

I made a Newgrounds-themed feed for Bluesky if anyone cares about both of those two things!


Totally just reposting what I posted last year, but it be that month again!

Wonder which year will get more likes?

Announcing the Lost In Isolation FNaF Game Jam

The GameJam Starts Friday (submit games below)


Join The Discord For Updates


Hosted by @PlentyXD

Help from @hunterallen_ and me

Art by @Funkilicous and Yellw.00f

The big city...the bright lights

Background is by Anuyuri!

Drawing for the Interdimensional Beatdrop mod

3rd Randyversary drawing by Anuyuri on Tumblr

I have a whole bunch of footage of the event to comb through but Newgrounds Pico Day was awesome! Here’s @CaptainStevie at the Randy Learns History demo I set up!


Lookit all this JUNK

Remember when I said I'd only tease the Medieval time period? Yeah me neither

Background by Anuyuri!