Jax Justun & Jax Marble and Their Misadventures at Middle School in: Rise of the Parody Characters of Jax Justun Studios

5 months ago

JJS Parody Cameo Depictions #1 # #2 (For Both Ridley "Riddley" & Smudger) - Both Created on: September 1st, 2024 Today's FINALLY the day people!!! It's now the first day of September of 2024!!!!! And look what has finally been created folks!!!!!

Jax Justun Studios has finally created two official #JJSparodyCameoDepictions for both "Smudger" and "Ridley (Riddley)"!!!!!! The official #1stAnd2ndPCCs of Jax Justun Studios from Series One of 2018!!!!!! I must say folks, these two were like the best things that I'd ever created during the first day of a brand new month here in 2024!!!!! These two have not only look so beautiful and mighty fine with the patterns and colors, but they're also having like the best references from their very own personal fan-made songs and fan games!!!!! But people, that was the end for today's first post here on GameJolt!!!!!

Looks like September of 2024's already looking might fine and everything!!!!! And again, as always folks, please positively respect all of my beloved parody creations as always folks!!!!! The workers of all over Jax Justun Studios had worked REALLY hard on all of this stuff!!!!! And yes folks!!!! They'll be more and more of this stuff coming soon later on in the nearest future!!! For now folks, stay tuned for some more future updates, have a relaxing and safe first day of #SeptOf2024, and C U all until next week Wednesday!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #RespectThePCCsOfJJS!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!! #RiddleyUnSmudgerAreLoveable!!!!!!!!!



Next up

JJS Parody Depiction #33 (For Lav SHawnna) - Created on: February 2nd, 2025 Can you all believe that it's the #2ndDay of #FebOf2025, the last day of the one year anniversary of the "Vaccum Brothers"!!!!

Jax Justun Studios Video #51 - (Created on: Feb. 2nd, 2025 - Feb. 5th, 2025) My goodness!!!!!!!! You have like no idea how long we've all been waiting for this to come here at long last!!!!!! The Official #51stJJSvideo's finally here at long last!!!!!!!!!

Jax Justun Studios Fan-Made Parody Header #10 - (Created on November 7th, 2024) It's been a few days since Jax Justun Studios are finding ways to add more parody storage and space in their official parody files!!!!

it's been a while since that stuff happened but here's all my contribution to the JOLLY 4 Team. This post was drafted and was initially made to announce my contribution to the team but now ill just use it to post the stuff i did for the cancelled project.

2018 Parody Character #7 - Mr. Eyesaur (Created on: January 14th to 16th of 2024) There's no doubting when create parodies out of official hand-made-ed materials!!! These are all clearly states of all parody arts here!!!!!

As seen previously, here is the final version of office

The Official #210thYear Logo for Jax Justun Studios - (Created on: Dec. 28th, 2024) After months of delays on end, Minecraftia Studios have finally created the most ambitious parody project ever here!!!! And it was very crazy to make here!!!!!!!

Banner Poster Shrine of JJS #8 (For Episodes Ten & Eleven Only!!) - Created on: October 29th, 2024 There's only two more days until Halloween of 2024 starts people!!! It's now the #29thDay of good old #OctoberOf2024!!!!

DDS Discovery Parody Archivers #3 & #4 - Sammy Lawrence & Wilson Arch (Versions #1 & #2) - Both From Bendy & the Ink Machine/Dark Revival Feb. 3rd, 2025's when DDS themselves had discovered two more official DDS Discovery Parody Archivers!!!!!!!