Hi, Fetus_ here.
After thinking about it for a week im finally motivated to do Jolly 3: 2D and im progressing a lot in the development (i really dont know hot to type that word it just messes up my head, like "Developement", "Development", "Develpomen")
I'm trying to keep the Jolly: 2D essence in Jolly 3: 2D by reusing some assets such as the music, the extras background, the camera static and effects...
After all, reusing is good and it makes everything easier, and sometimes it makes it better.
Ok lets talk about the game developement
Im going to add vhs tapes instead of minigames to add some lore (Jolly: 2D and the og Jolly have different lore if you didn't knew)
These vhs ain't creepy since vhs in real life aren't supposed to be scary, they are supposed to be normal.
This is also giving me some liberty since i can add some things that weren't in the og Jolly 3 without affecting the game.
Here is a very early vhs frame
I dont want the menu to look like every other fnaf fangame, i thought on making it like the Tealerland menu.
Tealerland menu
I made a little concept.
Instead of hardmode, you have post nights.
On night 2 you must decide if you want to see antonette talk or if you want to survive maxie for 10 minutes
Im currently making the cameras, i cant show anything cause i haven't done anything but here is a screenshot