Just Keep Running

2 years ago

July has begun as of today, and Just Keep Running is entering that month at the speed of light!

At 9 PM CEST this Sunday, Version 1.4.0 come out! You can read more about it here :D
#devlog #update #accessibility #jkr

♿Version 1.4.0: The “Accessibility Update”

The majority of this update contains a bunch of Accessibility changes and options that we’ve had plans to implement for a while or which was suggested to us by players. We’ve especially worked on a good chunk of stuff for players with motor, cognitive and vision impairments.


Colourblind Correction Settings

Along with displaying more information with symbols/text instead of just colour, we’ve now also added a “Colourblind Correction” setting!

This mode has support for Protanopia, Deuteranopia and Tritanopia colourblindness, and shifts hues to provide better contrast colours. The intensity can also be adjusted, which could be useful for anyone with partial colour blindness.


Toggle Settings

Another pair of settings some might find useful is the “Walk Toggle”, “Crouch Toggle” and “Slide Toggle”!

If anyone would simply prefer to toggle sliding instead of holding the slide button down constantly, you can do that. Or if someone has a motor disability and can’t hold down the crouch button for too long, they can instead use a toggle. Whether it’s a preference or a necessity, the options are there for you! 😊

📖Chapter 2 - Production has started!


A lil’ tease of the script ;)

As soon as this next update comes out, we’ll be getting started on making the features and levels for Chapter 2!

We’ve had Chapter 2 fully written already by the time we released the first chapter, but now we’re getting started on actually implementing the next step of the game into, well… the game.

I know a lot of you are excited to play the next part of the game, but it will take a little while to come. We’d say expect this chapter to be released sometime in early to mid of August, but we’ll try to get this done as soon as we can!

🏃We’re on!


We’ve mentioned this slightly in previous devlogs, but Just Keep Running is on!

The inspiration for Speedrun Mode is because of us being on there, and it’s thanks to the speedrunners that the total time to beat the game has been sanded down to a Sub-4 time, which is still nuts to me.

Here are the current Top 3 best times for Chapter 1 (No Upgrades) as of the 1st of July, please do check these runs out! 😀

  1. Gaminator3333 - 03:52:522

  2. VSwede (Me!) - 03:55:210

  3. idkplaceholdername - 04:13:374

🏖️Itch Summer Sale

Copyright © 2023 Itch Corp

The summer sale is still ongoing, and we're a cog in that machine! :D

For the same price you'd pay for a good ol' Cup O' Joe ☕or Soda🥤, you can support the development of Just Keep Running. You'll get access to high-quality downloads of the soundtrack, any future bonus content or related products, and once the game gets released on Steam or any other storefronts, you will be sent a healthy amount of keys that you can use or share to redeem the game on those platforms!

This game is developed by a tiny but passionate team. While our main goal is not to make a profitable product (which is why our goal is only $25), it would be nice to get some return on our hard work. It's a very small gesture, but it goes a long way, and we deeply appreciate it! :D

If you like the game or have any useful feedback, please feel free to give the game a positive review or rating, or just share the game around! It’s a small gesture, but it does make a huge difference and makes us very happy no matter if it’s positive or constructive criticism. 😁

We also welcome anyone to upload or stream their gameplay of Just Keep Running, and feel free to share that gameplay with us if you so wish! FYI, Twitch streamers, we have our own category on there… 😉

If you desperately can’t wait for the update… We get it, but in the meantime, you can play the current version of the game! 😀

If you’d like, you can also check out our socials here!





Next up

🥳WE’RE ₛₜᵢₗₗ ALIVE! - V. 2.3.0, JKR for Charity, and Project T-1000

Read more below...

#jkr #devlog #update #charity

2.3.0 IS OUT NOW! 🥳🎉

We’re starting to add Stealth mechanics, QoL changes, and tweaks to levels to make it easier for the baby birds dipping their feet into the game! 😀

Read more below...

Hey there! Despite Steam Next Fest, we’ve still kept busy bug fixing and making adjustments to Just Keep Running, and that’s what this update is all about! :D

#jkr #update #steam #platformer #puzzle

I'm studying game development at the University of Skövde next month! 🥳

I won't be as active with I.M.I.Self, but I'll keep working whenever I find time. I'm determined to get JKR Early Access and T-1000 demo out by Dec/Jan.

Hope you all understand! :D

👋Happy Friday, ya scallywags! Today we’ll be talking about NEW STEALTH FEATURES, as well as a lil CHARITY EVENT we’re running, and about our TWITCH DEV STREAMS!


And in celebration, we are hosting a showcase of Just Keep Running 24/7 for the next 7 days!

#steamnextfest #steam #puzzleplatformer #parkour #platformer

Yo yo yo! 😀

We’ve had a productive June, and we’re coming at you with many QoL features and changes. Keep reading for more deets! 🙂

#jkr #update #steam #platformer #puzzle


Jokes aside, thank you so much for the wait! While we are busy rewriting, we’re back to actively working on the game, and this small lil update is proof! :D

#update #jkr #devlog

We’re back! And we’ve got an update for you 🎉

More upgrades, dyslexia-friendly fonts, and other small but cool additions, that’s what this is all about!

Read more about it below...

🧑‍🍳We're Back in The Kitchen: New Update, and Charity!

More down below...

#jkr #devlog #update #charity