Hanukkah Runner

4 years ago

Just about got the animations to a place where I will be happy, next real focus is going to be on dealing with the obstacles/challenges



Next up

v1.0. Fight other Vikings in a battle-royale against up to 4 human or CPU players, last viking standing! Features: 2 to 4 human/cpu players, Seasons, Multiple units, AI

#devlog #released #retro #strategy #war #pico8 #turnbased

Release notes v1.0.2:

* Added option of outlines for obstacles

* Reduced darkening of obstacles

* Help boxes now appear in both directions

* Added extra tweak to sunrise and sunset

#hanukkah #retro #other #action #arcade #pico8 #devlog #released #update


- fixed: crash, wires, ux

- added: feedback

- updated: ux


- fixed: scanner

- added: ui, sparkles

- updated: title


- added: effects, menu, skip turn, vfx, info

#devlog #update #released #survival #survivalhorror #pico8 #pixelart #retro

Graphics just about complete now, next major development feature now is controls before I then work on finalising the level design.

#pico8 #pixelart #gamedev #gamedevelopment #hanukkah #runner #retro #other

Final preparations are being made, audio needs a few tweaks now. Should be up just before Hanukkah starts.

#hanukkah #runner #devlog #gamedev #pico8 #pixelart #8bit #retro #other #wip

Work has started on remastering the original Space Station: Alpha with improved graphics and new functionality. Preview in the GIF.

#devlog #survival #survivalhorror #horror #retro #roguelike #permadeath #turnbased #scifi #2d #8bit #pixelart #pico8 #other

Reel Explorers is a short simulated slots experience, includes a progressive jackpot and progress and stats are saved between sessions. Paid version include an RPG-Lite variation. Playable over at #rpg #gaming #retro #rpglite

Space Station: Alpha v1.4.0 has now been officially released @


* UX, splash screen, effects, text feedback, minimap

#released #retro #other #survival #survivalhorror #horror #roguelike #pico8 #pixelart #8bit #devlog

Monster Trainer released!

The Dungeon Master has tasked you to find and train a stable of monsters.

Features: 9 monsters to find & train, care for 5 monsters, quests, random events, and battle codes

#release #virtualpet #retro

So the game is now in a roughly playable state. Still a lot of obstacles and level design to go to flesh it out, then need to handle audio, menu, win/loss conditions and a bunch of other minor things.