Demolition: Military Style
7 years ago

Kill the Simpletons!!!

Wow. I’m pretty sure when I left the game, it had 150 views. It’s got double that, and double plays. I’m super excited people were interested.

As much as I love this game, Unreal Engine just didn’t do what I wanted it to do. As you can see from the picture, the update to the destruction engine is backlogged to sometime this year.


With all that said, I MADE A NEW GAME. Remember project: wizards? I moved on over to Gamemaker Studio (much less features than Unreal, but easier to use) and made a mobile game. It’s called Kill the Simpletons and it’s out on android (sorry ios users) and is in beta at the time of writing this. I plan on releasing it on the 1st of February.

I am inviting all of you to join the beta. I would love it if you could help give me feedback. I am not a very good artist, so a lot of the stuff in this is minimalistic. I think it’s a pretty solid game though. If you would like to join, click this link:

Any feedback: Idea’s, bugs, comments, support or hate (preferably not that last one) can be put as a comment on this, emailed to me at [email protected] or commented on the google play page. I WILL ALWAYS READ AND RESPOND TO THEM. If it’s not too crazy, your idea will probably make it into the game.

If you enjoyed demolition: military style, you will enjoy this game. If you didn’t, then you will still enjoy it. I worked a lot more on this game. I can feel this game. I didn’t enjoy making demolition: military style. I didn’t like it enough. That means I didn’t have motivation.

Please help me in the production for this game. If you do, you may get a prize (or bragging rights for playing this game before it was cool).
I plan on having a Q&A somewhere on the topic of Kill the Simpletons. Stay Tuned for that.



Next up


i may or may not make an full art of some person or i may just leave this like that-

Runestones: from concept to in-game model🗿

What you all think

Finished work on the emotions of a new character for the tank universe

One of the most critical update for Sunblaze demo. Now you are able to pet a cat! Finally!



These are background sprites I've created for a game I'm working on at school ^w^ Click on the post to see how the sprites connect. You won't regret it! (personally, I think it's pretty heheh)

Drawn in Piskel using my mouse. Whaddya think?

Regular exercise is key for healthy wings.

Try it out!

My D&D art for my family so far (WIP if you couldn't tell)

OK, this starts to be too tricky puzzle already :D

#platformer #indiegame #puzzle