I’m sure some of you will make skeptical faces, and I’m completely aware that some of you are annoyed with the FNAF thing, but my idea will be quite different than what everybody else makes.
And you remember my original Anime, right?

The idea I have is exciting to me.
I won’t replicate too much of the FNAF graphics and mechanics, because instead of using the same old 1980s theme, I’ll put in the futuristic computer or space advancement theme. And the humanoid robots will be the ones targeting you.
The gameplay will take place in an office, of course, but in the early evening. One of the Mahou Computer Lab employees was assigned to take a shift from 6 PM to 10 PM. And the reason why he’s staying there is to manipulate the humanoid robots since a hacker have compromised their system.
I haven’t thought of the gameplay mechanics yet. And I don’t want to use the same old closing doors or mask on things because yk, they’re old. I’ll think about that later.
The theme will be futuristic, though, and the ambience noice will be in a computer lab or space ship. And for the UI design, I think you can figure that one out.
But what do you think? Should I make this?
And of course, it’ll be made on Gandi IDE, too.