2 years ago

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  1. Português

  2. English


Oque vocês acham dessa cor de fundo? Pretendo fazer um cenário com essa cor e alguns tons de azul, claro, os planos podem mudar, mas, por hora, me digam o que vocês acham


What do you think of this background color? I intend to make a scenario with this color and some shades of blue, of course, the plans can change, but for now, let me know what you think



Next up

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English: what do you think? Before it was 32x32, but to make it easier when making the character I reduced it to 16x16

Português: oque acham? Antes ele tinha 32x32, mas para facilitar na hora de fazer o personagem diminuí para 16x16

Aprendendo a criar músicas enquanto faço uma para o meu jogo//Learning to create songs while making one for my game

Learning to create songs while making one for my game

#gamemaker #gml #game2d #gamemusic #music #lofi #gamesong

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1= português/ 2= english


Apliquei o tile set, oque acham?



I applied the tile set, what do you think?

Bandana Dee the Dream Friend


i may or may not make an full art of some person or i may just leave this like that-

art comission.

Have a good Boi