
Ahora somos parte del Evento Fazbear Gameverse 4!
Como puedes leer, ahora somos parte del evento hispano de fangames mas grande de la comunidad en donde proximamente podras ver los trailers de los juegos mas prometedores de la comunidad hispana.
Freddy´s Emporium les traera su primer trailer en el cual he estado trabajando y colocando todo mi esfuerzo, se que cuando lo vean les encantara!
Dicho esto, espero pronto verlos en el evento y hasta la proxima!
Mortuus Fuera.

We are now part of the Fazbear Gameverse 4 Event!
As you can read, we are now part of the biggest Hispanic fangames event of the community where you will soon be able to see the trailers of the most promising games of the Hispanic community.
Freddy's Emporium will bring you its first trailer in which I have been working and putting all my effort, I know that when you see it you will love it!
That said, I hope to see you soon at the event and see you next time!
Mortuus Out.